
Self Reflection : Saat Membenci Diri Sendiri

September 29, 2017

Saat gue kehilangan headset yang sebelumnya masih di pegang-pegang. 

Saat gue ngerjain 10 batch sampel dibawah tekanan yang gue buat sendiri tahunya 5 batch diantaranya udah di kerjain dari awal bulan dan gue nggak inget sama sekali.

Saat gue membawa celana jas hujan di dalem tas tapi meninggalkan atasan jas hujannya di lab.

Saat gue jerit-jerit lupa ngambil masker padahal leher gue dililit masker.

Saat gue lupa bawa minyak kayu putih yang udah gue siapin.

Saat gue nggak mem-forward wasap ibu gue.

Saat gue membuang begitu saja jas hujan yang udah kaku-gak-bisa-dilipet (karena gue jemur siang bolong dan nggak gue angkat-angkat) ke bak sampah begitu saja lantaran gue udah punya yang baru, dan gue baru sadar kalau jas hujan kaku itu sebenarnya masih layak untuk dihibahkan dan bermanfaat buat orang lain.

Saat gue meninggalkan kalkulator gue yang udah gue siapin buat Ekonomi Teknik di lab.

Saat gue ingin pake kaus kaki lucu tapi gue lupa dimana posisi tuh kaos kaki padahal kemarin gue lihat itu dimana.

Saat gue pengen banget ngerjain sampel FTIR dan PSD tapi nggak gue kerja-kerjain.

Saat gue beli pembatas binder yang ternyata bolongannya nggak cocok sama binder gue.

Saat gue mengantuk tapi gue malah nonton Age of Youth season 2.

Saat gue seharusnya ngisi diary Energi Baru Terbarukan tapi gue malah nyasar di Blogspot.

P.S Pelajaran hidup hari ini : Kalau naik motor terus pakai jaket, jaketnya jangan di seleting setengah badan doang -_-


Beautiful Story between 'A Man and Woman'

September 24, 2017

I choose to stop writing about dramas and movies because it seems don't bring any 'faedah'. Yep.. people these days can googling easily if they want to read some review. But please forgive me, I should break my rules because I can't hold myself to not talking about this one.

Rather than talk about the synopsis, I want to write about the directing instead..

A Man and a Woman is a superior example of the top-hole melodrama that Korean cinema does so well these days.

Tales of angst-ridden forbidden love have always been my favourite.
I like kind of tender-subdued-delicate movie like this while others may find it a little dull and ponderous.


Monas Night

September 09, 2017

Karena yang mendadak itu biasanya kesampean.

Pada dasarnya, kemaren tanggal 15 itu gue mau nonton Teater Koma di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta sama bapake. Tapi sorenya, pas gue udah cetak tiket segala macem, bapake wasap kalau beliau nggak bisa join karena ada kerjaan kantor mendadak. Terpaksa gue mantapkan diri gue untuk cus kesana sendiri meski pada akhirnya ada juga orang yang mau ngintilin gue.. Mila.


Rambling Before the War

September 08, 2017

Hola Septemba!

It should be ‘September Ceria’, sadly it was not.

I am typing with the responsibility to study but otherwise, I still exhausted, extremely.

Today should be a productive day, but.. I losing somewhere. Because I still tired– of life.

Polite confession: Today, I’m not going back to Bogor just because I want to finish my research report but the funny fact is; I keep losing somewhere, in this virtual world until this hour. Listening Mary Hopkin’s song which remembered me about my childhood life and can’t moving forward because Age of Youth soundtrack playlist.

I love Saturday than Sunday.
I love Saturday than everything!

I need more pack of 'hours', 
Do you have it? A day fill up with 24++ hours package.

Next week and– I don’t know until when, I’ll facing my super-busy days. College will start this Monday, not start yet but I know 7th semester gonna be hell. Yea, basically I hate college. I have many-things-to-do that I should finish these day. Preparation for my research presentation is my priority cause I want to attend the 2nd trial in mid-September. Sadly, my research still undone. I still going here and there to testing my outcome materials. The most annoying one is, I still don't know which match dispersant to our materials. I’m not tryin’ to be dramatic but believe me, I am sick reaching my teacher

And here we go.. the most unconducive place; Laboratory.
There was hell. I have a stack of product report, product should be analysing, never-ending-listed equipment calibration, unstopping validation process, reference standard documentation– and more. It feels like I want to throw those things to the trash can!

Next month I’ll start my PKL in Indonesian Power. The real engineer will be born. It means, I’ll go to North Jakarta in the morning, go to college in Central Jakarta in the afternoon and go to office in East Jakarta in the night. 

I am not even a Power Rangers but why I should through this kind of situation when I always started my day with “sleepy-face” expression and have no energy left in the noon, everyday?

I can’t even image how it would be if I should keep moving 24 hours non-stop

The real war, soon.