
Warisan by Teater Koma

August 30, 2017

Itulah warisan kita? Korupsi dan Utang?
Descriptionnya aja bikin nyeees..

Sebagai anak dan bapak yang udah lama ngidam nonton wayang bharata di Senen dan sampe sekarang belum juga kesampean akhirnya kemarin bapake ngajakin gue nonton teater koma. Asumsi masyarakat Indonesia kurang mengapresiasi pertujukan dan pagelaran semacam ini terbantahkan ketika gue mengalami kesulitan berburu tiket.

Gue udah reserved tiket dari lama sebelum tanggal pertunjukan di mulai, tapi saudara-saudara, gue bahkan udah nggak dapet tiket VIP -_- seat tersisa hanya di balkon dan demi apapun seat itu ada di tempat-tempat yang nggak oke -_-


When Autumn Comes

August 26, 2017

I often feel as if I've forgotten something important or as if something is missing.
I'm not the only one who experience this, right?

As a girl who trapped in ISFP personality, I uphold every little things at peaceful moment. Every single things in this world have big meaning. Impact are the rare things nowdays.

I never into Kpop that much. Most Kpop song isn't something that can touch your hear, but it'll be exception for their ballad. I have several soloist like; K.Will, Isu M.C The Max, Sung Sikyung, Eru, Junsu, Navi, etc who can fill my ballad-craved. K-indie and ballad artists are blessed people, they are really worth to listen.

The day before, I had crush with this silly handsome man. He is one of the winner from Superstar K. It feels like I found young version of Lee Seunggi's by hearing his song.

Here is it..
Roy Kim (Kim Sangwoo) - When Autumn Comes

He had sad aura, but it's not that kind of sadness that make you cry and break down, it's warm. His voice can heal but almost to the point of it hurting. Not in a bad way, though. Comforting. It's that kind of warm that you feel at the end of the day, when you're sitting on the bus on your way home after a long day.

That is why I love Roy Kim.
His calmness.

His voice is heavenly and perfect. He music is not typical Korean but so westernised. He is such an amazing and beautiful singer being. I observed his several MV.. and yep, I'm so drawn with it. Those MVs are so simple but convey so much emotion. Whoever directs his MV are geniuses. They're always so subtle but leaves such an impactfull feeling.

My feeling;
Since I live in tropic area and never going aboard, I never had any experience living on four-seasons country, I only know hot and rainy days, but I really crazy over fall-winter scenery.

There is something special about fall, may is refreshing but there is a bit sadness, about leaving from light to darkness, because we are going from summer to winter.

My dream is very small, it's just to sit with you
On this bench filled with fallen leaves, just sit with you till sunset
The people walking on the street while holding hands
Do they know how precious is that?

Simply, right?

If you're such a ballad trash like me, just try to listen his song. I recommend; Stay, I Want to be with You, The Great Dipper and Nothing Last Forever.

Fyi, I also like other Superstar K-pop finalist, Hong Daekwang.


Banda : The Dark Forgotten Trail

August 12, 2017

Ketika orang-orang sibuk nyari seat buat nonton Annabelle.
Pertanyaannya adalah;  sejak kapan gue ikhlas ngabisin duit buat nonton pelm setan?

Bebererapa waktu lalu, gue diracun oleh salah seorang teman virtual dengan film berjudul Banda : The Dark Forgotten Trail.

Pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah; sejak kapan gue nonton Dokumenter?
Jawabannya adalah; Sejak gue sadar kalau Dokumenter itu menyuguhkan sebuah kejujuran *atsaaaaah~


[Ada Alien] Citizen Journalist Academy 2017 #Energi Muda Pertamina

August 05, 2017

"Ketika anak piyik remehan biskuit bau Acetic Acid yang kemarenan kagak bisa ngerjain ujian Kinetika Reaksi Homogen II, tiba-tiba mental keluar bimasakti, maka yang selanjutnya terjadi adalah.."

Gue cuma mau bilang; dunia itu luas, sob.

Dunia bukan perkara dapetin nilai A di semua matkul.
Dunia itu soal belajar dan terus belajar.

Jadi kemarenan, gue mencoba belajar dengan cara yang lain. Gue ikutan workshop dan audisi Citizen Journalist Academy yang diadakan oleh Pertamina bekerjasama dengan Liputan6 SCTV dan Indosiar.

Pasti banyak yang nggak sadar kalau satu dari ratusan orang yang duduk di bangku empuk Ice Palace itu adalah alien.